the inclusion in a film or broadcast of any artistic work situated in a place where it can be viewed by the public; and
the reproduction and distribution of copies of any artistic work permanently situated in a place where it can be viewed by the public.
According to section 3, the definition of artistic work is any graphic work, photograph, sculpture, collage, and work of architecture or artistic craftsmanship. Ref: COM:CRT/Malaysia#Freedom of panorama.
pemuji – Nuan mesti meri kredit ti patut, meri link ngagai lisin, lalu nunjukka enti bisi ubah digaga. Nuan tau ngereja nya ngena sebarang chara ti patut, tang ukai ngena sebarang chara ti nunjukka orang ti meri lisin nya ngemendarka nuan tauka ngena nuan.
kunsi sebaka – Enti nuan ngaga remix, ngubah, tauka ngaga atas utai nya, nuan mesti ngagihka pemeri nuan ba baruh lisin sama tauka setipak enggau ke asal.